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GAME OF THRONES Creators Get Immortalized as Funko Pops

You’ll notice we said “Game of Thrones creators” (plural), not “A Song of Ice and Fire creator” (singular). While George R.R. Martin is the creator of all the Westeros characters we know and love and loathe, the TV show has more parents than just him. You can bet David Benioff and David Weiss never thought there would be toys made in their likeness. But in the grand tradition of convention exclusives like Taika Waititi for San Diego Comic-Con, New York Comic Con will be debuting a three-pack of Martin, Benioff, and Weiss. The showrunners come with scripts in hands, to signify the work they do day to day. Martin has nothing in his hands (maybe because he’s stalling.)

But now that you have the characters in hand, you can create scenarios with other Funko toys that make them more motivated. Perhaps Sexy Jeff Goldblum can charm The Winds of Winter out of the notoriously slow author? Or maybe Audrey II can make him go crazy by yelling “Feed me!” over and over, until he complies with the literary feast we need?

Well, winter may not be coming yet, but New York Comic Con is. And if you can’t make it there, leftover stock on this set should be showing up at Barnes & Noble afterward—the store where so many people first encountered the work of George R. R. Martin.

Do you need these creators for your collection? Want Benioff and Weiss now before they become Star Wars guys? Let us know in comments below!

Images: Funko

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