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Damn, The GAME OF THRONES Ladies Can Really Sing and Dance

Let’s be real: the internet was made for videos like this. Light, silly, and totally irreverent. Don’t act like you have, at one point or another, done this very same thing at home with our friends. And it’s sort of crazy to think that Entertainment Weekly got to go to the set of Game of Thrones and come up with an amazingly silly video we wish we could have done (even though we sorta did with Kristian Bruun from Orphan Black—and it was the MOST BEST—but I digress). Because like, who wouldn’t want to make a video of Maisie Williams singing “Dragons, boobs and dragons” or Gwendoline Christie interpretive dancing to the theme song of the HBO show over and over again?

This is the dream, you guys. Of both the internet and us.

Speaking with the main ladies, EW got about as un-spoilery as it gets in their song-and-dance showdown. It’s nice to hear Maisie’s interpretation of the theme song is so close to our own rendition, although Emilia Clarke’s version is also pretty spectacular (regardless of how you feel about Megan Trainor). And Sophie Turner’s iteration is as adorable as the fresh-faced baby Jean Grey herself.

But don’t believe us, just watch:

The cutest, right? If you’re hankering for more adorable Thrones moments, we have some of our own from the red carpet for the season six premiere.

Where the heck is Gendry?

Real Fake Spoilers with the cast of Game of Thrones

Image: HBO

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor and Chief Khaleesi of House Nerdist. Read her recaps of Game of Thrones here, or find her on Twitter (@alicialutes).

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