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UPDATED: GAME OF THRONES’ Carice Van Houten Clarifies Jon Snow Prediction

Updated, 9:45PM: A previous version of this article mirrored The Sun’s reporting that actress Carice van Houten thought Jon Snow wasn’t dead. 

Winter might have already arrived in Westeros, but Carice van Houten certainly seems to have a sunny outlook is toeing the company line on the fate of Jon Snow.

In what was one of the more shocking (and by shocking, we mean in a totally “gotcha” kind of way, because, c’mon, Jon Snow hasn’t come this far in the narrative only to die by the hands of some resentful Crows) scenes of season five’s June finale, we saw everyone’s favorite Snow betrayed by a handful of his fellow Night’s Watchmen, including that little git Olly. In fact, the very last scene of the show was focused entirely on Jon’s (presumably) lifeless face as the pool of blood from his stab wounds gathered in the snow.

Some of the Game of Thrones cast members who have spoken out on Jon Snow’s seemingly limbo’d fate have not been overtly optimistic about Kit Harington’s return. While it would make sense for her to have optimism for his outcome—since her character Melisandre may very well be involved in Jon’s resurrection/healing—she just confirmed to us on Twitter that she, too, believes that Jon “can’t be deader.” Still, it was oddly convenient for Melisandre to arrive at Castle Black after abandoning Stannis Baratheon’s doomed siege of Winterfell just hours before the Crow Coup.

According to The Sun, van Houten told crowds at the London Film and Comic Con that in her opinion, “No, he can’t be dead. No!” However, as Carice just clarified for us, she joins Maisie Williams in the firm “No, he’s definitely dead” camp. What she actually said during a response to an attendee was “He can’t be deader, no.” Her complete correction is as follows: “What I said is, ‘He can’t be deader, no,’ to someone in the audience. I think The Sun has a hearing problem!!”  [Emphasis ours.]

If he were to return, Carice gave no indication her character would be involved in some Lord of Light-style magic in reviving and/or healing him: “I’ve seen some stuff like that on the Internet; like, I’ve seen stuff saying ‘we’ll forgive you if you save him.'” I’m not so sure that I would forgive Melisandre for convincing Stannis to sacrifice his own daughter for what would ultimately be a doomed mission, but her involvement in the healing of a primary character would make her somewhat more palatable for the remainder of the series.

Carice went on to say that her character’s penchant for sacrificial blood magic has left her the target of some intense fan hate, and Shireen’s death was the cherry on the fan-hate sundae: “I’ve never had so many death wishes in my life. It was so interesting to experience that. I mean, I knew it was coming — I thought, I’m not gonna get any more sympathy after this!”

How do you feel about these statements from the woman who plays The Red Woman? Were you already confident he’d be back? Do you believe Jon is really dead? Sound off with your theories below or with us on Twitter!

HT: Winter Is Coming

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