We have seen only the tiniest sliver of footage from Game of Thrones‘ eighth and final season, and the only official image released so far is just a staged photo of Jon and Daenerys huddling together in the snow. Considering the wait since season seven, that’s not nearly enough for us. Fortunately, this week, HBO gave us something else to look at to satiate our Westerosi desire, with some fun behind-the-scenes pictures from the making of the show over the years.
Entertainment Weekly shared 16 set photos from different seasons, and they range from informative to silly to downright absurd, with some of them even being a little unsettling. Because there’s nothing like seeing Varys clean off Cersei’s lint during the Dragon Pit powwow, except for seeing her genuinely laughing. Meeting Daenerys, Mother of Foam, definitely makes up for that though, as does watching Tommen hang perilously over some boxes from the window of the Red Keep.
And while we know Daenerys can’t be burned, it looks like she can definitely get cold. No wonder she’s huddling with Jon Snow in that one new season eight image.
New behind the scenes pictures #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/7sofFVHwsB
— ♡ (@smoakclarke) November 5, 2018
Arya is still intimidating even when it’s just Maisie Williams filming a “dancing” scene.
new bts picture of maisie filming 4.05 of game of thrones pic.twitter.com/Vek2gM7Mcm
— charlie hugged maisie! (@adoringmaisie) November 5, 2018
You can head to EW to see the rest, which should help bide the time until we get the images we really want–footage from season eight.
Which of these BTS photos is your favorite? Send a raven with your comments below.
Featured Image: HBO