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FUTURAMA Livestream Wednesday Night, Right Here!


It’s time to say goodbye to the lovely folks of Futurama with the airing of the series finale, “Meanwhile,” on Comedy Central tonight at 10pm ET/PT. However, the Nerdist Channel Livestream of the Q&A with members of the cast and crew, including Matt Groening, Billy West, and Maurice LaMarche and hosted by Chris Hardwick, direct from the YouTube Space in L.A., is right here!


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  1. Anthony says:

    Good news, everyone! I also missed the live show but it’s supposed to be posted in two parts on Friday.

  2. Timmy says:

    Why the hell is this video private?

  3. GrayFoxNULL says:

    Private? Thanks for wasting my time….I don’t understand the point of it being private. Whatever. That is the last time I check the Nerdist channel.

  4. Kristoffer says:

    The finale was an excellent send off to the best animated show of recent times. I didn’t think i would like it… so i went into it with alot of negativitiy (thinking to myself, how can they wrap this up?) but it was touching, funny and all around fantastic.

    #WannaGoRoundAgain. might have to binge a rewatch from the start again.

  5. Brian Smith says:

    When they announced the winners last night they said my name. Have they not notified the winners yet? I haven’t received and email or anything. I’m getting worried its a different Brian Smith. :-/

  6. eric says:

    damn I didn’t want to watch the livestreams to avoid spoilers. The Finale just aired in California…are these going to be uploaded?

  7. Jeffrey says:

    A sweet and fitting proper final finale. I’m happy with the way the writers AMD cast ended it. My hope is that the show will live on in syndication. Or until I buy all the DVD (or blu-ray) volumes. The latter is better so I can turn on captions and subtitles. The Fry-Leela moments meant a lot to me both as a longtime fan of the series, and as a hopelessly romantic half-blind man. 😉

  8. Zach says:

    Where is the Pacific Coast feed!
    I’m starting to panic over here!!!

  9. What Alex said. I watched the first part and then turned it off to avoid any possible spoilers in the post show. Couldn’t watch the last one live.

  10. Alex says:

    Will there be a replay available for those who couldn’t watch live? Pretty please?

  11. axelsanx says:

    Started watching this late and then youtube pulled the plug on me before I saw it all. DAMMIT!

  12. Daniel Crosby says:

    It may comfort you to know that this death will lasted only 30 minutes. Yet the pain was so intense, that it felt to it like 14 years. And it goes without saying, it caused it to empty it’s bowels.