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FUTURAMA Clip Brings Back Fry, Leela, and Bender for WORLDS OF TOMORROW Game

We devoted fans of Futurama are used to enduring long stretches of time without so much as a peep from the Planet Express crew. After the series was unceremoniously canceled in 2003, it took four years before Matt Groening and David X. Cohen revived the likes of Fry, Leela, Bender, and company in the form of the first (and best) Futurama movie, Bender’s Big Score. Slighter hiatuses separated the remaining three straight-to-DVD movies before the yearlong dry spell that ultimated in the series’ first of three Comedy Central series in 2010. Having bade a final farewell to the series by way of 2013’s “Meanwhile,” we once again find ourselves four years out from even a single, “Kill all humans!” or “My Manwich!” or “Good news, everyone!”

But good news, everyone! Though “Meanwhile” may always remain the official conclusion of the Futurama story, we will get the chance to revisit New New York in the new mobile game Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow. What’s more, today’s first look at the game comes with a brief reunion with some of the gang in their traditional animated forms.

It should comfort all fans to know that nothing much has changed since we last left our heroes. In the clip, we see that Fry is still easily amused, Leela still perpetually frustrated, Amy still woefully uncoordinated, Bender still a fan of his booze and smokes, Lrrr (he of the Planet Omicron Persei 8, if there was any confusion) still bent on Earthly domination, and Hypnotoad still carrying power over all.

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Jam City also divulged a bit on the details of the game, which will take players through New New York and a mode called “Space Adventures.” According to the producing company, the former setting will focus on progressing the game’s narrative and on team- and character-building, while the latter will take form as a 16-bit arcade game. The company goes on to say that Worlds of Tomorrow will “blend simulation, combat, galactic exploration, and choose-your-own-adventure mechanics together” in one for a holophoner-conjured Frankenstein’s monster of a game… but, you know, in a good way.

Jam City has yet to announce a hard date for when Futurama: World of Tomorrow will hit iOS, Android, and Amazon, but you can pre-register for the game here. Check out a few stills from the game in our gallery below!

Images: Jam City


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