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Funko SUICIDE SQUAD Pop Vinyls Come Life in a LEGION OF COLLECTORS Trailer

This August, fans will get their third look into the world of the DCEU when the Suicide Squad makes its feature film debut. In anticipation of the release, Funko has dedicated their August Legion of Collectors box to the super-villain team who are supposed to be heroes and yet still villains. To commemorate the occasion, they’ve released an animated trailer for it.

Released by Funko and posted on, the trailer features the Funko versions of Harley Quinn, Katana, and Deadshot as they creep around what looks to be an abandoned warehouse (which probably means it’s Arkham Asylum. That place changes aesthetic so often it’s hard to tell). Suddenly from the shadows comes the sound of familiar laughter. Let’s face it. If it’s DC and someone is laughing, it’s definitely the Joker. The Squad comes across the “deranged” one just in time for him to throw a bunch of dynamite at them. Once the dust settles, the outside of the box is revealed with a profile shot of Margot Robbie’s Harley.

No word as to what exclusives will be included in the box, but if the previous Batman V Superman box is any clue, fans will be in for some awesome swag to take to the movie when it comes out August 5th.

You can sign up for the Legion of Collectors on their website here.

So what do you think? Are you ready to sign up for the Legion? Which Funko would you most like to add to your collection? Let me know on Twitter or sound off in the comments below.

IMAGE: FUNKO/DC Entertainment

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