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Nerdist Special Reports

Friday Funderdome: MARIO KART 8 Livestream with Jessica Chobot

Do you feel that in the air? That crackle of blue sparks shooting off of drifting wheels? That cool breeze of a green shell narrowly missing your kart? That fulminating rage bubbling just below the surface as freakin’ Toad manages to somehow finish in first place for the umpteenth time? Good — harness those feelings and use them because we’re about to step into the Friday Funderdome, our weekly livestream of multiplayer mayhem with all your favorite Nerdist team members.

As you may have guessed, this week we’re playing Mario Kart 8. Joining me today will be Jessica Chobot, Malik Forte, and likely Science Editor Kyle Hill or Music Editor Matt Grosinger — it depends on who wins the gladiatorial battle beforehand.

Tune in below at 1PM PT and join the fun, or follow us on Twitch and get alerted when we go live. We’ll be playing for about an hour, so just tell your boss that you had to step out to the restroom. We won’t tell him you never left your desk.

Watch live video from Nerdist on

Who do you think will win? Got suggestions for special game modes or challenges? Let us know in the comments below.

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