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Forget THE EXPENDABELLES – The All-Lady Actioner MERCENARIES Has You Covered

Next week, The Expendables 3 will offer a third round of well-aged testosterone and yet another reminder that the long-promised The Expendabelles is nowhere near production. But fret not, the Asylum has got you covered.

The “mockbuster” studio may have crowded video store shelves (remember those) and Netflix Instant screens with the likes of Transmorphers or Snakes on a Train, but this time out, it looks like they might be offering an actual public service with next week’s release, Mercenaries which has a pretty good-looking trailer.

The cast is great: Zöe Bell (Death Proof), Kristanna Loken (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines), Vivica A. Fox (Kill Bill: Vol. 1), Brigitte Nielsen (Red Sonja), Nicole Bilderback (Bring it On), and the legendary Cynthia Rothrock (China O’Brien) all star in this twist on the “ex-cons have dragged out of jail to kill the bad guy” story. In this case, it’s Nielsen doing dirt as a terrorist who kidnaps a diplomat, so there’s that.

The production value looks, well, like an Asylum film, but as long as things blow up and these ladies get the chance to be the ones responsible for the explosions, then I’m all in.

As a martial arts fan who grew up watching lots of low-budget American-produced stuff from movie brawlers like Jeff Speakman or pre-Buddhism Segal, I’m especially excited to see Rothrock in this cast. I’m hoping that her lack of any sort of ass-kickery in the trailer is just an oversight because why would you cast China O’Brien in your movie and not let her fight, Asylum?

Mercenaries will be in theaters and on demand August 8.

[Source: Live for Films]

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  1. HeardAndrew says:

    Looks bad ass. 🙂 I hated The Expendables movies so I’ll be happy to see this.

  2. Basically the person admits that the film looks like crap but because it has women that’s fine. This is also why people have decided to take affirmative action too far and every random characters in a movie/show to fill a color quota whilst they don’t actually contribute anything of any importance to it.

    • Ieronymus says:

      The article praises the actors. That the actors are women seems, in the context of the article, to be an interesting sidenote. Seems the author is also down with B-films starring male actors, so no problem there. Now how about getting off your high horse so that the rest of us can see the movie without that big feminist chip on your shoulder blocking the view?

  3. Li says:

    The world needs more Zoe Bell.

  4. saw it too…and was so disappointed that Cynthia wasn’t fighting….but looking forward to her next film The Martial Art Kid where she kicks butt….what were they thinking?

  5. lost me at Vivica A Fox!! can’t stand her

  6. MrSinyster says:

    Rothrock better do the “heel-to-the-top-of-the-head-over-the-back-kick”

  7. biketiger says:

    Doesn’t matter who is in it, who wrote it, or who the director is.  The Expendables movies are horrible and this looks like it will be as well.  

  8. One brief fight scene for Rothrock.  Saw this Friday and enjoyed it.  Zoe Bell does most of the ass-kicking and excels at it.  It’s worth watching for her performance easily.

  9. Puja says:

    Female Expendables…but clearly written by a man. *facepalm*

    • Good luck. If a single action movie with an ALL female cast and an ALL female crew consisting of writers and directors actually manages to ever be successful I’ll chop off half my peen and give it to you. That’ll never happen. Women just arent as good as men in ..well a lot of things.