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FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS Score the Marmot Super Bowl Ad

Marmot Clothing and Equipment’s Super Bowl spot definitely acts as a guide for misreading signals. The spot tells the story of a man and his marmot friend enjoying the outdoors. They do all the normal camping activities like hiking and swimming, all the while sporting matching Marmot clothing and camping equipment. They even go as far a subtly show off the durability of their jackets while making “dirt angels” (as much fun as that looks, my advice in the real world would be to stick to snow angels). The commercial ends with the young man TOTALLY not getting the point of the camping trip, and leans in for a kiss. Let’s just say this was NOT the romantic moment he was hoping for.

The commercial was funny in and of itself, but what makes it great is the song playing through it, and more specifically the band playing the song. For the keen ear out there, the answer is YES. Yes, that was the Flight of the Conchords (Jemaine Clement and Bret McKenzie) song from the second season of their much missed HBO show. So this commercial takes you through emotions good AND bad. You can laugh at the silliness of the man and his furry friend while being sad that there wasn’t a season three of Flight of the Conchords.

So what do you think? Are you headed to the woods to make a new friend with a woodland creature? Are you at the very least interested in a new winter jacket? Let me know on Twitter or sound off in the comments below.

HT and IMAGE: Marmot/YouTube

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