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Flashback to School Day Assemblies in a New KEY AND PEELE Clip

You think you’re tough, eh? You think the rules don’t apply to you? You think you can just balance that milk carton on your head without suffering any consequences?! Well, think again, because Key and Peele have some truth bombs to lay on you in this new clip from next week’s episode.

A world-weary principal (Keegan Michael Key) faces his students, including that rapscallion Rodriguez, and invites guest speaker Donny Herrera (Jordan Peele) to the stage to share his life experiences with the kids. A former drug dealer, Donny has seen it all — unfortunately, he has a difficult time connecting the dots in his outlandish stories. The clip has all the markings of a middle school assembly and/or PSA: a tender piano score, know-it-all head bopping, and an escalating list of some serious consequences.

How does one survive a piano falling on their head? Where on earth did Donny find a wormhole? And since when is it cool for kids to balance milk cartons on their heads? (Serious question: I may be “old” but I was also never that cool.)

Key and Peele airs Wednesdays at 10:30 pm on Comedy Central.

HT: IndieWire

Image: Comedy Central

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