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First Three FALLOUT 4 Add-Ons Dated, Season Pass Price Increase

Listen up, wanderers! Bethesda has finally revealed the first three batches of content coming to Fallout 4 in March.


The first piece of content will be Automatron. A baddie named the Mechanist has unleashed evil robots on the Commonwealth, and you’re tasked with taking them down. The reward for completing this job seems well worth the trouble, as you’ll be able to harvest their parts to create your own companions. It’ll be releasing some time next month, and will set you back $9.99.

Then in April, you’ll be able to download the Wasteland Workshop for $4.99. This add-on will allow you to create cages to capture critters, including Deathclaws and Raiders! Once captured, you’ll be able to force these creatures to battle each other, or your fellow settlers. That’s not all, though, as new settlement options like taxidermy, nixi tube lighting, and letter kits will also be added.

Finally, there’s Far Harbor. Valentine has a new case sitting on his desk that will send you off the coast of Maine to the island of Far Harbor, where a conflict between synths, the Children of Atom, and local townspeople rages on. The studio is boasting that this landmass is the largest they’ve created for a piece of DLC. New faction quests, settlements, creatures, armor, weapons, and dungeons will also be included in this expansion. This will be available in May for a whopping $24.99.


Want to try all this out before it launches? Sign up for a chance to get into the beta right here.

As Bethesda has mentioned before, $60 worth of content will be launching for Fallout 4 in 2016. Unfortunately, the season pass is increasing from $29.99 to $49.99 on March 1 due to the expanded DLC plan. Don’t worry, you’ll still get everything for the cheaper price if you’ve already purchased the pass or do so before the increase.

The developer will also continue to support the title with free updates. Survival mode and the creation kit are both still in the works as well.

Which add-on are you most excited about? Is there anything else you’d like to see added to Fallout 4? Let us know in the comments below!

HT: Bethesda
Image: Bethesda

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