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First Six MEGA MAN Games Available on Your Phone

First Six MEGA MAN Games Available on Your Phone

Did you think Nintendo would have mobile gaming supremacy forever? It’s been, I dunno, like a month since the release of Super Mario Run, the pretty fun but totally not very replayable new title you can play on your phone, and while it was pretty cool to play over Christmas break, sometimes you want a game that’s familiar, that’s got robots, that allows you to turn around and grab a coin without having to replay the whole damn level. Capcom has answered your silent prayers and on Thursday released their first six classic Mega Man games for iOS and Android.

That was the initial tweet in December about the announcement, and now it’s here, just in time for the character’s 30th birthday! You can individually buy each of the six original games, released in US and Japan between 1987 and 1993. (Fun fact: Did you know that, in Japan, Mega Man is called “Rockman”?) Each game costs $1.99, so if you felt like putting them all on your phone, then you could do it for around $12. The games are almost exactly the same as they were on your Nintendo Entertainment System back in the day, but with “a minor change in game pacing, to work better with mobile devices.”

And if you’re a child of the SNES (and who isn’t?), Capcop is also offering the first Mega Man X title, but that, being much more complex and pretty game, will run you $4.99. It’s definitely a favorite game of ours, being featured on our list of the games we’d love to see make it to an SNES Classic Edition.

Are you interested in playing Mega Man on your phone? Which original Mega Man title was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

Image: Capcom/Nintendo


Let’s talk about that Nintendo Switch!

Kyle Anderson is the Associate Editor for Nerdist. You can find his film and TV reviews here. Follow him on Twitter!

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