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First Look at Titan’s DOCTOR WHO Comic, Capaldi Edition

We’ve already had a gander at Titan Comics’ new Tenth and Eleventh Doctors covers for their Doctor Who monthly books; now you can get your first glimpse of the Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi, in comic form.

The variant covers for Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #1 penned by Eagle award-winning writer Robbie Morrison (Drowntown, The Authority, 2000AD, Nikolai Dante) and drawn by New York Times-bestselling artist Dave Taylor (Batman: Death by Design, 2000AD), the new ongoing series is said to put the Doctor in “his most challenging destination yet,” according to the press release.

As with the Tenth and Eleventh, the regular cover is done in the portrait-painted style by artist Alice X. Zhang and five other variant covers will also be available including a “100% Time Lord Rebel photo cover and a Mariano Laclaustra penned picture of Clara.”

The Twelfth Doctor comics will hit newsstands and comic store shelves on October 1st, 2014, well after Capaldi has made his debut on the telly. Can’t have his first adventure be in panel form, can we? But, fear not, because the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor ranges begin their respective intergalactic travels on July 23rd, 2014. That’s during Comic-Con, you know.

Below you will find a gallery of the lovely cover art, and it really is quite lovely.

The storyline and interior art for these books have been locked up tighter than a TARDIS, but you can keep up to date on any developments by constantly, obsessively checking Doctor Who dot TV, Titan’s website, or the official BBC Doctor Who Facebook page.

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