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Finn and Rey Are Back Together in STAR WARS: EPISODE IX!

While their individual journeys were incredibly important for both the characters’ development and the advancement of the story, it was a bit of a bummer to go most of The Last Jedi without seeing our favorite besties, Rey and Finn, working together. Thankfully, we won’t have to deal with this hardship again: John Boyega himself has assured the world that Rey and Finn will be back together in Episode IX.

As JoBlo reports, Boyega let fans at Awesome Con in Washington D.C. know the good news. Though he said he hadn’t yet read the script, he received a text from Daisy Ridley who said she was told by J.J. Abrams that the two would be back together in the upcoming film. Boyega also told the crowd that he’s excited to see Rey and Finn working together again, which we most certainly are as well.


Though the two spent most of The Last Jedi apart, they did reunite at the very end of the film when Rey used the Force to move boulders away from a back entrance from a Rebel base on the planet Crait. It was such a great reunion, and we’re excited to see how the two interact after their adventures and the things they learned while separated in Episode VIII. Boyega and Ridley have such great chemistry together, and they’re a ton of fun to watch on screen together. We’re so excited that they’ll get to work closely again in the upcoming movie, and we can’t wait to see what’s next for Rey and Finn.

Are you excited to see Rey and Finn back together? What do you hope to see in Episode IX? Let’s talk about it in the comments!

Feature Image: Disney/Lucasfilm

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