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All the Tatiana Maslany Reaction GIFs You Could Want

Tatiana Maslany isn’t just an impressive actress, she’s basically a product of our modern times: a pop culture obsession with charm and staying power… and a very, very expressive face. The Orphan Black actress stopped by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, where beautiful genius mastermind Stephen Colbert finagled everyone’s favorite sestra into creating a series of reaction GIFs. He knows what the Tumblrs and the internets want, y’all!

We could write up a bunch of stuff about what makes Maslany the perfect person to do something like this. For instance, her general likability, her insanely impressive acting chops, her incredibly expressive face, the obsessive love of her sestras in the larger Clone Club universe, but …you all know that stuff, right? You know it because you’re a human who is alive in 2016 with access to the internet. You know GIFs are the only way to truly convey proper emotive thought (and they’re also really funny, too) if you’re a human under the age of 35.

Now, the video itself is just a video, but thankfully we’re a kind group of souls and we’ve taken the hard work out of the equation for you. That’s right—we done made you some Tatiana Maslany reaction GIFs! So now you don’t even need to make ’em yourself as the video posits—just take the ones we’ve got here for your next moving image-required response to something.

GIFs like…







Asleep (with eyes open)








You can check out the entire line-up of Maslany GIFs on our Tumblr. Which reaction GIF is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below.

And since you’re here, why not check out all the crazy S4 spoilers we got from the cast while on set:


Image Credit: CBS

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of Nerdist. Find her on Twitter (@alicialutes).

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