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Filming Schedule for WONDER WOMAN and JUSTICE LEAGUE Revealed

Thanks to a cover story on Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in Empire magazine this week, the internet has seen a deluge of new images and bits of news about the film dropping all throughout the week. Hidden among all those bits, though, were the current plans for the future of the DC Cinematic Universe—most notably Justice League: Part One, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman. Here’s the direct quote from the Empire story, where producer Deborah Snyder (director Zack Snyder’s wife) gave a bit of an update:

“Deborah Snyder, along with (Charles) Roven, is watching over a sandbox that stretches around the world. Jenkins is in London prepping Wonder Woman, which will shoot there this autumn. Suicide Squad, already well underway in Toronto under the earthy gaze of Ayer, will shoot through to September. ‘I do watch the dailies,’ she promises, enthusing about the film’s ‘street quality.’ They are already doing soft prep for the Justice League, which will begin shooting in the spring, and overseeing the script for Aquaman, which James Wan will direct.”

So there you have it: Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman, starring Gal Gadot in the title role—a film that recently cast Chris Pine as Steve Trevor—will start shooting this fall, which means we should start getting casting updates for the other characters in the film soon. Characters like Diana’s mother Queen Hippolyta, and whoever the villain turns out to be (finger crossed for Ares!). Gal Gadot will be plenty busy it seems, as she’ll likely go straight from shooting one huge film into another. And with Justice League shooting in the spring—around the time that Batman v Superman comes out—we’ll probably also know who the full JLA line-up will be at that point, too. Somewhere right now, Tyrese Gibson is keeping his fingers crossed.

Wonder Woman is scheduled to arrive in theaters June 23, 2017. Justice League Part One will open in theaters on November 12th, 2017, followed by Justice League Part Two on June 14th, 2019.

HT: Comic Book

Image Credit: MessyPandas/deviantART

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