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Official POKÉMON Shoes Put Pocket Monsters on Your Feet

How much do you really love Pokémon? Because anyone can play the games, frequently check Pokémon Go, or even wear a Pikachu onesie out in public. But the test for the truly hardcore fans is how far they are willing to go for the collectibles that won’t be making an official appearance in the United States. For example, Fila’s new limited edition line of Pokémon-inspired shoes. They look terrific, but they are only available in South Korea.

Via Kotaku, these court deluxe shoes are each themed around a specific pocket monster from the Pokédex. These are some of the most recognizable creatures from the show and games, and even casual fans should be able to recognize Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Jigglypuff, all of whom appear within the interior of their respective shoes.

Each shoe also has a Pokémon-inspired image on the back, although the Pikachu design is the most eye-catching. From the outside, the design has a more subtle approach, although it would be difficult to miss the Pokéball image on the top of each shoe. The aesthetic was well chosen for these sneakers, but we especially like the fact that they come in a box which is made to look like a Pokéball as well. Simply from a collector’s perspective, it’s a design that would look good on a shelf!

What do you think about these new Pokémon sneakers? Will you find a way to bring them home? We choose you to leave a comment below!

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Images: Fila

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