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Feast Your Eyes on Scrap Metal Hulk

You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry, but you’ll love him when he’s rendered entirely in scrap metal. The Incredible Hulk, Marvel’s green, gamma ray-infused monster has been a pop culture staple since his introduction in the 1962. More often than not, he manages to take over in any kind of ensemble setting (as we saw in Joss Whedon’s The Avengers). But just how far does the Hulk fandom go? Well, one organization dared to answer that question when they constructed a scrap metal sculpture of the infamous super-hero, images of which have now made their way to the interwebs thanks to Reddit and Imgur.

Built by Thailand’s BanHunLek shop, this Hulk statue is made out of used car parts. The level of detail is truly astonishing and serves as a stark (wink wink) reminder of what can be achieved by just a little inspiration.

BanHunLek has been in the metal sculpting game for a while now, crafting works based on the likes of Wall-E, the Despicable Me minions, and Pirates of the Caribbean. At the shop’s site, you can spend hours gazing at all the various products that have been turned out by these amazing artists over the last few years too.

As for The Incredible Hulk, we’re sort of at a loss for words other than “wow” and “damn.” So to BanHunLek, we simply give a hardy Nerdist thumbs up and ask but one simple question: you guys got room for a TARDIS?

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  1. Rick says:

    Wow! Damn! I wonder how much that Behemoth Weighs?