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FARGO’s Season 3 Trailer Features Lots of Ewan McGregor (It Sure Does)

What’s the only thing better than having Ewan McGregor as the lead on your TV show? Casting him in two lead roles. And if you had any doubts about that (uh, why would you?), the new trailer for Fargo‘s upcoming third season on FX, which features both of his characters, is already proof enough of why that dual casting decision sure was a great decision dontcha’ know.


In the first real trailer for the season, titled “They’re Coming” in reference to a line in it, (the previous teasers ones have been fun marketing ads and an introduction to the major characters), the issues between the Stussy brothers–the well-to-do and well-dressed Emmit and his slightly younger, slightly heavier, much balder brother Ray, both played by McGregor, are hinted at when Ray says to Emmit “you still owe me from what happened when we were kids.” Emmit is polite, but doesn’t seem very inclined to help his brother financially (nor does his associate, lawyer Sy Feltz played by Michael Stuhlbarg).

From there we see how the murder and mayhem that is so common in the Fargo universe might take off, when Ray turns to crime to help him get the money he needs to get a ring for his girlfriend Nikki Swango, played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead.


There’s also plenty of this year’s police detective, Carrie Coon‘s Gloria Burgle, who we first meet sitting in a funeral home with her son, and who lets us know that, as of now at least, meth is not made with frozen concentrated orange juice.

The trailer promises plenty of potential for problems, lots of snow, plenty of accents, and a great villain in David Thewlis‘s English-born V.M. Vargas.


But really, just knowing we will be getting double McGregor, even if one version of him isn’t exactly as dashing as we’re accustomed to, would have been more than enough to get us excited for the April 19th premiere.

What do you think of this trailer? What do you expect from the upcoming season? Let us know in the comments below.

Images: FX

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