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Farewell, ‘Terriers’

Photo: FX

Bad news: “Terriers” has been canceled by FX.

The numbers weren’t there, but the quality was.  “Terriers” was easily the winner of this season’s “Best Show You’re Not Watching” award.  Maybe it’ll find an audience on DVD, but it’s disappointing that the show didn’t make it.

Go back and listen to the Nerdist podcast with Donal Logue for more about the show, and then go to Hulu and see what you missed.

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  1. Joe J says:

    This sucks. Such a great show. I thought that more people would tune in considering the success of other FX shows.

  2. Jordan says:

    That is really crappy news. How does other crap get to stay on but not a great show like Terriers?

    I liked the interview you did with Donal Logue, especially because Janet was there (Shes’s real!?!? And Matt Smith made a pass at her on National T.V.!?! HOT) Only thing was it felt like Janet and Chris were cut off a lot by Donal’s name dropping and carrying on about how he knew said person. Great actor, but he’d make a boring date.

  3. Spacepantsforfatstronauts says:

    First Rubicon, now this. My ravioli suddenly taste like sadness. Well they always did but now more so.

  4. Nate says:

    Wow…I’m super bummed out now. I absolutely love this program. It’s too bad that shows aren’t allowed to find legs beyond one season. I dare someone to watch this show and not like it. Maybe I get too attached to TV shows, but I’m honestly heartbroken.

  5. Ernie says:

    Thanks for letting me know about this. I really thought that this show had some real promise. Not to mention that I’m forever cheering for Donal Logue. He’s a very talented critter.

  6. jacob says:

    What probably went wrong with both this and Rubicon is they were both very niche looking shows that would be very difficult to jump onto midway. I didn’t have any interest up until I heard the podcast and even then I waited awhile to watch. Hopefully FX can do a better marketing job next time because it’s not like FX can’t keep shows running, just look at Rescue Me.

  7. kerry says:

    :'( sucky ass news. rubicon i can better understand canceling. but this…dammmmmmmittttttt.

  8. Beaudetious says:

    I’m bummed. I first learned about the show via the podcast interview with Donal. I’m glad I was able to watch the show but I am a bit relieved because that’s one less show I have to worry about scheduling into my already too busy life. Now off to watch High School of the Dead.

  9. Clove_art says:

    Sooooo sad. The cliffhanger was very interesting, and I’m deeply disappointed that the audience wasn’t big enough. (sad face for FX).

    Lets hope Lights Out will be a decent show. I’m cautious of these “great white hope”/Rocky like stories.

  10. kyleawhile says:

    Boooooo! That was a terrific show, one i will certainly acquire on DVD or perchance a digital version of some sort.