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FANTASTIC FOUR Honest Trailer Has a Grudge Against Space Clouds

Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four reboot is out this Friday, August 7, and perhaps—one day—it will be the subject of its own Honest Trailer. But for today, the Honest Trailers team is turning their collective eye to Fox’s first Fantastic Four movie, and its sequel, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer!

Step into the wayback machine and set course for 2005, where Barbershop director Tim Story heralded in the first version of Marvel’s FF to make it to the big screen. Ioan Gruffudd starred as Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic alongside Jessica Alba as Susan Storm/Invisible Woman, Chris Evans as Johnny Storm/The Human Torch, Michael Chiklis as Ben Grimm/The Thing, and Julian McMahon as Victor Von Doom/Doctor Doom.

The Honest Trailers team seems to have a particular problem with the cloud-based villainy of Rise of the Silver Surfer’s Galactus and the cloud in the first FF movie. On the plus side, this movie did pave the way for Evans to eventually become Marvel’s Captain America. Does this mean that Michael B. Jordan will be Marvel’s new Cap ten years from now?

One thing that this HT seems to overlook, though, is that there absolutely was nerd rage over Alba’s casting ten years ago, just not to the extent that Jordan has received for playing Johnny Storm in the reboot. Remember haters, Stan Lee himself has said that he’s in favor of Jordan’s casting, so…

Anyway, though: who else forgot that Kerry Washington was even in these movies? And we have to say, The Walking Dead joke alone makes this video worth watching.

Comic fans, did the new Honest Trailer give the Fantastic Four movies what they deserve? Flame on in the comments below!

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