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Fancy and Enchanting: Vanessa Ragland’s Big Cancer-Fightin’ Comedy Bash In L.A. March 20th

Remember our post a couple of weeks back about how Vanessa Ragland, the co-host of the Nerdist Podcast Network’s own Pop My Culture, has been nominated for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Woman of the Year honor, and as such is out to raise $60,000 to kick blood cancer’s ass and win that title? And how she was inspired by her writing partner Katie Hooten’s daughter Eva and husband Tim, who were both diagnosed with leukemia in the same year and have fought back? Sure you do. In our post about it, we mentioned this:

“If you’re in L.A., keep March 20th open for a benefit show featuring, so far, Bob Odenkirk and Rob Delaney — tickets aren’t on sale yet, but we’ll let you know when they are.”

And they are. And there’s more. Oh, yes, there’s more.

It’s called “Fancy and Enchanting,” and it’s a benefit at the Hayworth Theater in Los Angeles on March 20th at 8 pm hosted by Vanessa with Jamie Flam, and the lineup not only includes comedy luminaries Bob Odenkirk and Rob Delaney as previously disclosed but also features Janet Varney (whose podcast is coming soon right here at Nerdist), Paul Gilmartin of Dinner and a Movie and Mental Illness Happy Hour fame, and singer and animation voice extraordinaire Grey DeLisle, plus The Spanglers (the dazzling musical comedy duo who bear a remarkable resemblance to Jamie and Vanessa), the comedy stylings of the Fringe Riders, and the Balkan melodies of the truly unique Petrojvic Blasting Co. Then, stay for the after-party with music by DJ Cheapshot and DJ Stubbs.

Best thing? Not only is this an amazing evening of entertainment, but 100% of the proceeds will go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. 100%. All of it. That’s thanks to the venue donating its space for the evening, and all the performers working for free as well. Also helping bring this to you, the dedicated comedy consumer, are Tribute Productions, the movie mavens at Cinefamily, soap makers of creative bent Bubble Genius, the Upper West restaurant in Santa Monica, The Devastator Quarterly comedy magazine, and the coffee zealots at TONX.

So, you wanna go? I’ll answer that for you: Yes. Yes, you do. And if you can make it to L.A. for that night, you can buy your tickets now at this link. Here’s how it works: $30 gets you in, General Admission, first come, first served. Kick it up to $50 and you get Premium Admission, which gets you priority seating and a limited edition poster. Go all out for $100 and you get VIP Admission, which gets you pre-reserved preferred seating, the poster, an exclusive pre-show reception with food and beverage, and a gift bag. Again, you can buy tickets at this link. Do that.

But if you can’t make it, you can still help. Go read the whole story, then give by clicking here. Help Vanessa help LLS, whether you can get to the Hayworth on March 20th or not.

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  1. Three Toes of Fury says:

    continued AWESOMENESS from Vanessa for a great cause. LA nerdists…join forces..pretty please…and support this event! Your attendance WILL help make a difference in the fight against cancer.

    Peace .n. Fancy .n. Enchantin!
