Civil War. Batman v Superman. At the moment, superhero movies seem to be all about fighting, what with all the punching, yelling, and general unhappiness. If you’re feeling weary of the battles, the cure this week is undoubtedly the Supergirl/The Flash crossover. The event aired on CBS on March 28, and it was a ray of sunshine—adorable, precious, insert adjective here, sunshine. Barry Allen and Kara Danvers are two of the silliest superheroes, and side by side, they created magic. We got moments like this:
Come on.
Even if you don’t watch either Supergirl or The Flash regularly, I recommended purchasing the episode and treating yourself to an hour of pure joy this weekend. The villain portion of the story is a little flat, but everything else? Golden. Kara and Barry team up, race, devour food, and generally act like the cutest cinnamon rolls you’ve ever seen.
Because we all need to smile more, I’ve rounded up some art inspired by Supergirl/The Flash crossover for this week’s Fan Art Friday. This piece by comickergirl completely captures why the crossover spoke to my heart–superheroes can be fun and it’s a delight to celebrate that.
by DarkLitria
I’m ready for a spinoff about Kara and Barry traveling through the multiverse eating everything. It could be filmed documentary style.
Race to the gallery below to see more art featuring the Scarlet Speedster and the Girl of Steel. Artist info is included with each piece so you can go follow everyone and look to see if they have prints.
Please comment with your favorite gifs from the crossover or tweet them to me!
IMAGES: CBS, Daily Fandons