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FALLOUT and DARK SOULS Funko Figures on the Way

Regardless of whether or not you’ve played Fallout 4 (if you haven’t, what are you doing?!), or have braved any of the titles in From Software’s Dark Souls series, you are going to want to get your hands on the new figures the folks at Funko just announced.

This March, the popular toy maker will be adding characters from the desolate wastelands of Fallout to their arsenal of Dorbz figurines, and will also be adding Dark Souls III‘s Red Knight (pictured above) to their Pop! line.
Fallout 4 Dorbz

This of course isn’t the first time interpretations of characters from Bethesda’s hit series have been immortalized by Funko. Last July, the company unveiled a series of Fallout Pop! figures. Though they were pretty adorable, I think they pale in comparison to the new batch. Don’t you? Exhibit A: the little Lone Wanderer above.

According to the official post on Funko’s blog, the characters being Dorbz-ified are: male and female Lone Wanderers, Power Armor, Super Mutants, Vault Boy, and Dogmeat. Aside from Dogmeat, the company released images of all of the figures that will soon become available. From the sound of the post, it sounds like there will probably be more figures available than what was shown off. There’s no word on pricing yet, but we’re assuming they’ll cost the same as the figures that are already out in the wild.

Though the Dark Souls figure isn’t a Dorbz, the Pop! figure is still pretty neat. If you end up grabbing the Dark Souls III Collector’s Edition in April when the game releases, we’d highly recommend putting the statue that comes in it next to the Funko one. They’d look swell together.

For a closer look at the figures, check out the gallery below. For everything else Dark Souls III, Fallout 4, or Funko-related, keep Nerdist tabbed for updates.

Image Credit: Funko


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