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We Made Our Own JUSTICE LEAGUE Trailer

The epidemic of teasers that tease trailers for movies that are coming out has reached a level I don’t think anyone thought possible. Why on Earth do we need to see 12 seconds of footage just go get us excited about 90 seconds of footage of an upcoming big blockbuster tentpole entertainment content movie? We’re already excited!! Just show us the thing already! Anyway, the latest of these teensy tiny teases are five character-centric mini-things for the upcoming Justice League movie, teeing up the full trailer which will drop on Saturday…but we couldn’t just let that go. We want it now!! So, we went ahead and made what we think the Justice League trailer will be.

Utilizing the umpteen billion DC Comics toys and memorabilia we have lying around the office, the amazing crew of our daily talk show Nerdist News Talks Back went ahead and constructed a trailer (above) based solely on what we’re pretty sure will happen in the movie, including all the different heroes meeting up to fight the New God bad guy known as Steppenwolf. Producer Brian Compton can be credited with doing that amazing voice acting work as well.

For reals, if you aren’t watching Nerdist News Talks Back every weekday on Nerdist’s Facebook, YouTube, and Alpha at 1:00pm PST, you’re missing out on some seriously wacky weirdness and incisive discussion about the day’s most important pop culture moments. They’re also running a March Badness bracket all month long where you can vote on the most evil, most iconic villain of all time. To say nothing of throwing pies in people’s faces for Pi Day, we also take a look at the weirdest internet videos every Friday. In fact, why don’t you check it out for yourself!

Now wasn’t that fun? We do that every weekday, so JOIN US. Let us know what you think of the Justice League trailer we made in the comments below!

Images: Warner Bros

Kyle Anderson is the Associate Editor for Nerdist and an avowed DC Comics fanboy. Follow him on Twitter!

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