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FEAB #4: Scott’s Tired

Matt Mira, one-third of the Nerdist Podcast — four eyes. Scott Mosier, the M in SMOD — beard. Together — Four Eyes and Beard. FEaB. This is the fourth episode.

In which a tour of Matt’s new apartment almost puts Scott asleep. They also talk about Scott’s sports indifference and continued failure to see The Avengers.

Art: Dana Lechtenberg

Nerdist Book Club: DUNE

Nerdist Book Club: DUNE

THE SENIOR CLASS is a Beautiful Animated Film with an Ugly Message (Fantasia Review)

THE SENIOR CLASS is a Beautiful Animated Film with an Ugly Message (Fantasia Review)

Tickling the Dragon’s Tail: The Story of the “Demon Core”

Tickling the Dragon’s Tail: The Story of the “Demon Core”



  1. Anthony says:

    Is FEaB canceled or what?

  2. monica says:

    feab- i love the show. i think a good idea for a future episode would be if matt would talk scott into a state of relaxation such that he falls asleep while conversing, then matt could read a book scott likes in a soothing manner until he awakens.

  3. Coyote says:

    Bruce Banner’s hulk became “Mr Fixit” during Peter David’s writing run and he had both Bruce’s intellect AND the Hulk’s strength … only he was grey and dressed like James Cagney from Scarface.

    Could Bruce die ? Why not ?

    Captain Canuck was (and is) way better than Alpha Flight.

    The SCTV skit your referring to is Perry Como, played expertly by Eugene Levy. No offense, but I love Dr. Tongue’s 3D House of Pancakes …. epic!

  4. TIP RAILER says:

    Make with the new episode!!

  5. Carl says:

    Matt Mira and Scott Mosier are weird
    A superpower that shouldn’t be feared
    a couple of dweebs
    podcasting as FEaB
    Or more formally Four Eyes and Beard

    I’m not actually calling you guys weird dweebs – there just aren’t many options when it comes to rhymes for FEaB and beard.

  6. Forrest says:

    The Raw Shark Texts (think the Rorschach Tests) is a really great book. So glad to hear you recommend it, Scott.

  7. Pat says:

    Any chance you guys could complile the ‘Theab Reads’ into a list somewheres? I’m always looking for good reading suggestions and it would be fantastic to have that list. Can’t wait for the new ep. Keep up the good work.

  8. JR says:

    Perhaps the reason Banner couldn’t kill himself is because Hulk took over in that milisecond between starting to pull the trigger and when the bullet actually fires. If someone suck up on a sleeping Banner, they might be able to pull it off as long as Hulk was never aware of the situation.

  9. Janelle says:

    I’m sure someone’s already mentioned this somewhere, but here’s the SCTV skit Scott was referring to – Perry Como “Still Alive” – freaking hilarious.

  10. J KingKong says:

    Ever since 1992, I found myself singing the “Crossfire” song in my sleep!
    (I though I was the only one)

    #Classic ~>

  11. Josh says:

    @doc ha! There’s no question about it. The golden lasso of truth is by far head and shoulders no ifs ands or buts about it the funniest super hero weapon of all time. If I were a superhero, I think I’d like my weapon to be the “bronzed handkerchief of allegory”. You blow your nose into it and just start talking deeper meaning.

    That’s right btw, “bronzed”. It’s a real handkerchief underneath.

  12. @Josh
    By the way, “Getting Kinky with the Golden Lasso of Truth” is the name of my “Heart” cover band. 🙂

  13. “Don’t be a whiny bitch.”
    -Matt Mira

    Hell yes! Words to live by, sir. I wholeheartedly agree.

  14. Josh says:

    Oh man, you two are the driest! I love it. I mean, if you guys interviewed Pete Holmes, I think the mixing of your energies might cause a rift in the space-time continuum. A big, giant, space-time continuum ass explosion of hilarity.

    Listen, you’re going about this whole which-comic-book-hero-you’d-like-to-be issue the wrong way. Worried about the hulk breaking stuff in your apartment? I get that reasoning, but what if every possession you ever owned was broken by a night of love-making with Wonder Woman? Would that be worth it? That’s why I’d like to be Steve Trevor. Yeah yeah, Superman’s cool, but he’s trying to sleep in the hotel room next door while Steve Trevor and Wonder Woman are getting kinky with the Golden Lasso of Truth. Steve is hog-tied by his wrist and ankles talking about, “I HATE THIS! I LOVE IT! STOP! NO, KEEP GOING!” Steve Trevor might just be an average Joe CIA agent non-superhero soldier guy, but between he and Superman, who really wins?

  15. Derek says:

    For something that is free, listening to 2:30 of promotions is a pretty minor inconvenience. Skipping 2:30 isn’t much trouble either.

  16. Matt says:

    I know I could have easily skipped it, but 2:30 of lame promotions is kinda BS.