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F.D.R., Meet M.E.Q.: The First Marvin E. Quasniki Fireside Chat

Nerdist-endorsed presidential candidate Marvin E. Quasniki has launched a series of fireside chats from his home in Tonopah, Nevada in which he will speak to you, the public, on the issues, provided that you not actually go to his home. He doesn’t want you tramping around the house and raiding the fridge. But you can ask him questions on his Facebook page, and he’ll answer them on future fireside chats, as long as they’re “not too dumb.” Plus, it’s a chance for you to witness how much he loves his dog Timmy. People like candidates who like dogs, right? From the looks of things, Timmy’s good at immobility. And whatever you do, don’t disturb Myrna when she’s watching Downton Abbey.

(Incidentally, in his home state of Nevada, Marvin finished fifth behind Romney, Gingrich, Paul, and Santorum, with zero percent of the vote. Just think, he did it at a fraction of the budget it cost those other guys to lose.

See the Quasniki campaign videos at the Nerdist Channel on YouTube and like him on Facebook, since that’s what it seems all the kids do when they’re not texting or rolling their eyes.

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