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Explore San Francisco From ALADDIN’s Magic Carpet With This 360° Video

I can show you the bay
Crowded, foggy, expensive
Tell me princess, now when did

You last visit Alcatraz?

If you want to take someone on a magic carpet ride through a major American city, beautiful San Francisco with its imposing, massive hills, the ones you can’t walk without feeling like your heart is going to burst out of your chest (well maybe you can but I can’t), is a pretty good destination.

The folks at PrankvsPrank are back with some more Aladdin/magic carpet cosplay, which we first told you about back in November when they took to the streets of New York City, but this time they made a 360° video on the other coast, so you can experience what it’s like accompanying Aladdin himself through the many sights of San Francisco.

In addition to the 360° video, they made a more traditional one that really allows you to appreciate the reactions of pure joy and shock from the citizens and tourists alike as Aladdin and Jasmine come zipping by them.

If I were a San Francisco limo driver and heard Princess Jasmine needed to be picked up I’d immediately head to the Palace of Fine Arts too.

While this certainly isn’t a prank it is very cool, and they also put together a video showing how they made it.

I find it’s much easier to enjoy all of the work that went into this if you just conveniently ignore how freaking dangerous it really was. I mean, driving through busy city streets on a skateboard with a girl on your back is probably not something we’d normally endorse, but fortunately they were using magic and a carpet.

Where does this rank among your favorite cosplay videos? Tell us in the comments below.

Image: PrankvsPrank/YouTube

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