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Nerdist News


Update: In an interview with director Josh Trank, Collider posted a few official set photos, including photo of Human Torch in his costume, which has vents galore. Looks like our sources were right on the money:



Trank also noted in the interview that they “consciously decided to not release anything official” until now, hence the radio silence.

We’ve got big stuff on today’s episode of Nerdist News! Sources close to the production of the new Fantastic Four gave us a detailed description of the elusive costumes the team will be rocking in the new film. We turned to our own in-house non-police sketch artist, Jenny Fine, to cook up some visuals JUST for you!

Join Jessica Chobot as she dissects the function of these very grounded super-suits, examines what they say about the changes this movie’s making from the comics, and introduces you to what is kinda, sorta your first look at the all-new Fantastic Four!

Thanks for watching today’s show, don’t forget to check out the most recent episode of Nerdist News WTFridays, and let us know in the comments below if you dig this gritty approach to Marvel’s first family!

Note: this is not actual Fantastic Four concept art. This is an artist’s rendering based on the descriptions of costumes our sources saw.

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Set List

Set List : SET LIST: Ben Gleib on…



  1. Badr says:

    This is got to be the worst casting ever 

  2. carl says:

    Can someone explain how Sue and Johnny Storm can be siblings, but all of a sudden Johnny is black? Are they adopted in this reitteration? Or wastthey’re mother a slut, and slept around, having multiple children with multiple men?

  3. pancakes says:

    Reboot* another* shity* story*