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Exclusive: Troy Baker and Alastair Duncan Talk MIDDLE-EARTH: SHADOW OF MORDOR

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is going to accomplish a lot of things when it releases this fall, from introducing brand new characters into Tolkien lore, to the integration of the highly ambitious A.I. innovation known as the “nemesis system.” It’s also going to deliver a compelling narrative that fits between The Hobbit series and the Lord of The Rings series like Frodo Baggins in a mini-fridge.

Last month, we spoke with the game’s director of design, Michael de Plater, about the game’s story and characters. He was quite vigilant in pointing out that one of the driving factors in Shadow of Mordor‘s narrative is the relationship between Talion and the wraith that brings him back to life, whose identity was confirmed during Comic-con to be Celebrimbor. Now, we’re going behind the scenes of Middle-earth’s newest odd couple with an inside scoop straight from the voices of Talion and Celebrimbor themselves, Troy Baker and Alastair Duncan. Roll your eyes back to the top for the full bit.

You saw it here first, folks! Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor will be hitting the store shelves on September 30, 2014 for the PS4,PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC platforms. Look like a game worth picking up? Possess the comments with your thoughts down below.

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  1. Evan says:

    This game looks incredible, cannot wait to play it.

  2. Leo says:
