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Last year at the Calgary Comic Expo, I had the good fortune of meeting Sam Maggs for the first time. Chances are you already know her work from sites like The Mary Sue, Geekosystem, and Mashable. She was sweet, funny, and exceedingly well-versed in all manner of nerd-dom. Naturally, it came as no surprise when I learned she was writing a book and even less of a surprise that it was delightfully titled The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy: A Lexicon of Life Hacks for the Modern Lady Geek. While I am not a modern lady geek myself, I fully appreciate and endorse embracing your passions and reveling in them, which is what it sounds like Sam’s book is all about. While you’ll have to wait until May 12, 2015 to get your hot little hands on a copy of the book, you can check out the brand new cover in our exclusive reveal:


Here’s an exclusive statement from Sam Maggs as well:

“I’m so excited to be able to share the cover for The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy with the internets! Embracing my fangirl-ness is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Not only do I get to love all the things I love hard and without apology, I’ve also met so many other amazing fangirls in the process – women who have made my life hella better, and all because we love to geek out about the same things.

There are so many amazing online resources for fangirls, but I started to wonder why no one had ever put them into book form. Ladies make up pretty much half of the audience for all different kinds of geek media, like comics and video games, so where was the book proclaiming: YES GEEK GIRLS IT IS OUR TIME EMBRACE IT WITH THE POWER OF TEN THOUSAND SUNS?! So I decided to just do the thing, and the folks at Quirk Books were so rad about it.

The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy has a little bit of everything for the modern geeky gal, including tips on convention survival; where to go to meet new fangirl friends IRL; awesome lady-led media to marathon; and even ways to identify and defeat trolls (sadly Acid Arrows +2 have no effect online). There’s even interviews from incredible creators (and personal heroes, not going to lie) like Jane Espenson and Laura Vandervoort on what being a fangirl means to them. I just. I can’t. Basically this is me thinking about the book coming out:



I hope you have as many feels reading this book as I did writing it. Squee on, fangirls!”

We’re uncontrollably excited too, Sam.

The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy: A Lexicon of Life Hacks for the Modern Lady Geek is available from Quirk Books on May 12, 2015.

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  1. MElissa says:

    I’ve checked in on her works every few months and am always so appreciative every time she does anything new. This is beyond excited and hope to get my hands on my own copy when it comes out! Maybe she’ll even be at Emerald City Comic Con (hint!) in Seattle. Thanks for sharing!