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Exclusive: ROBOCOP: THE LAST STAND #3 Preview

Your move, creep! Actually, right now, it’s our move, and we’re helping you take evasive maneuvers from Friday boredom with an exclusive preview of BOOM! Studios’ Robocop: The Last Stand #3, based on Frank Miller’s original Robocop 2 screenplay, which should serve as a nice preamble to get you amped up for 2014’s Robocop reboot. Issue #3, written by Frank Miller and Steven Grant and illustrated by Declan Shalvey and Korkut Öztekin, finds the police force disbanded, ED-209 and OCP officers running the streets and hot on Robocop’s trail. Even worse, they’ve found his weakness and are going to do everything they can to exploit it.


Click to expand the thumbnails below.

Robocop: The Last Stand #3 hits store shelves on Wednesday, October 2nd. What do you think of the story so far? Let us know in the comments below!

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