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Exclusive: RICK AND MORTY Season One Deleted Scene Adds Dino Drama

I’ve already raved about it in this week’s The Shelf, but the first season of Rick and Morty, the smart, sick, and sensational brainchild of Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, is out today on Blu-ray and DVD. Each episode is full of incredibly intelligent science fiction concepts, complex and deep character arcs, and suuuuuuuuper dark and silly humor, blended together into a melange of Doctor Who, Douglas Adams, Back to the Future, a family dramedy, and late-night gross-outs. It’s on Adult Swim, after all, so what did you expect? What other show would devote an entire episode to completely turning all of the human race into hideous, deformed Cronenbergs (technical term) only to end with Rick and Morty going to a parallel dimension and taking the place of that universe’s Rick and Morty who had literally just blown themselves up? That’s one episode.

And it’s wonderfully oddball stuff like that which pervades all 11 episodes of the first season of Rick and Morty, but there was so much craziness that had to be cut that the DVD is full of deleted scenes that couldn’t even fit in a 22 minute episode, twice as long as the usual Adult Swim program. We have for you an exclusive look at one of these deleted scenes right now. In it (and it doesn’t matter what episode it was supposed to be from), in storyboard format, Rick does his usual not telling Morty anything and then yelling at him when he does something wrong, in this case touching a machine that’s only function is to create a dinosaur. Darn it, Morty.

Rick and Morty Season One is on Blu-ray and DVD now wherever physical media is sold, and features commentary on every episode by Harmon, Roiland, other members of the crew, and guests like Robert Kirkman and Matt Groening. Whichever dimension you come from, that’s a pretty swell time.


Image: Adult Swim

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