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Exclusive Preview: Garth Ennis & John McCrea’s ALL-STAR SECTION 8 #1

Of all the titles announced for DC’s mini-relaunch this month following the end of their event series Convergence, perhaps the biggest surprise is the return of writer Garth Ennis and John McCrea. Yes, the duo is returning to the place where they created such fan favorite works such as Preacher and Hitman, with their new series All-Star Section 8.

Section 8 first appeared in the pages of Ennis’ and McCrea’s Hitman series back in the late ’90s, and the team’s name is a pun on the military designation Section 8, which means “mentally unfit for duty.” Their home base was in a place called The Cauldron, which was the Irish section of Gotham City. Now Ennis and McCrea are bringing them back after all these years in an all-new limited series. The “All-Star” name before the title is a reference to DC’s short-lived line of All-Star titles that yielded on classic, Grant Morrison’s All-Star Superman, and one, well….not quite as classic, Frank Miller and Jim Lee’s All-Star Batman and Robin. 

Here’s the official description of Ennis and McCrea’s latest, straight from DC: “The greatest superheroes of all time, unseen since the end of the hit series Hitman, have returned for the greatest superhero story ever told! Befuddled hero Sixpack returns to Gotham City, desperate to rebuild the all-star team known as Section Eight, in the face of a deadly threat. He gathers old friends Bueno Excellente, Baytor and the seemingly reborn Dogwelder, along with some new faces—but he still needs that elusive eighth member. And that’s when the Dark Knight Detective gets an offer he can’t refuse in part one of this unforgettable six-issue miniseries.”

Issue #1 of All-Star Section 8 hits Wednesday, June 10, 2015. Check out the cover and the first six pages in our gallery below.


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