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Exclusive: Marvel & Nerdist Team Up for Ultimate Marvel Movie Marathon

As we gear up for Avengers: Age of Ultron, many diehard Marvelites are preparing by watching past films to make sure they’re up to speed. Some people might watch Avengers, some might watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and others might watch Guardians of the Galaxy. But what about those True Believers who want want to experience the Marvel Cinematic Universe in all of its glory by watching all ten previous films before seeing Avengers: Age of Ultron? Well, for 400 lucky fans, that dream will come true because Nerdist is teaming up with Disney and Marvel to present the Ultimate Marvel Movie Marathon on April 20-21, 2015. Over the course of two days, we’re screening 1,385 minutes (just over 23 hours) of Marvel movies — as in every Marvel movie including an early screening of Avengers: Age of Ultron — and you’re invited!


Hosted by the Ultimate Fan himself, Chris Hardwick, the Ultimate Marvel Marathon will take place over two days at the historic El Capitan Theater in Los Angeles, California. The exclusive event will be limited to 400 guests, and all attendees will receive a collectible event credential, which will be stamped with a star for every film viewed. Those diehard fans who stick watch all 11 films will receive a limited edition event posted, and they’ll be entered into a raffle to win a pair of tickets to the premiere of Marvel’s Ant-Man, which closes out Phase II and hits theaters on July 17, 2015.

The official screening order:

  1. Iron Man – 6:30pm
  2. The Incredible Hulk – 9:00pm
  3.  Iron Man 2 – 11:20pm
  4. Thor – 1:50am
  5. Captain America: The First Avenger – 4:05am
  6. The Avengers – 6:35am
  7. Iron Man 3 – 9:35am
  8. Thor: The Dark World – 12:25pm
  9. Captain America: The Winter Soldier – 2:50pm
  10. Guardians of the Galaxy – 5:40pm
  11. Avengers: Age of Ultron – 8:30pm

Don’t worry — there will be a meal and snack breaks built into the schedule; we want you guys to nerd out, not pass out. Attendees will receive popcorn in a souvenir tub, Cheez-It â„¢, Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats â„¢, meals, and much more. You’ll need your strength, after all, because in addition to our special host Chris Hardwick, there will be special guest appearances aplenty, a costume contest, prizes, giveaways, and much, much more. In fact, I’d love to tell you who exactly will be there, but I can see a S.H.I.E.L.D. sniper on the rooftop opposite my desk shaking his head “No”, so mum’s the word for now.

So, start stretching now and working those glutes because you’re going to want to have buns of vibranium for this truly epic event. Or, you know, just wear comfortable clothes and maybe bring a pillow. The point is that we’re impossibly excited to hang out with 400 Marvel fans and we want you to be one of them. In order to buy tickets, click here, and make sure to keep your eyes on for updates.





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