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Exclusive: ALL-STAR WESTERN #31 Preview

This town ain’t big enough for the two of us, pardner. But, you know what it is big enough for? A totally sweet exclusive preview of DC Comics’ All-Star Western #31 by Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, and Cliff Richards! How’s that for a Memorial Day weekend treat? After taking a peek at what we’ve got in store for you, well, I reckon you’ll be happier than weasel in a hen house.


Cover by José Luis García-López

Here’s the official description:

Hex is back in the Old West – and he’s joined forces with Tallulah Black to hunt for…the real Jonah Hex? And in the backup story, Madam .44 is lost on a harsh, alien world where she discovers that justice can still be won with a bullet. 

Click to expand the thumbnails below.

What do you think? Are you digging All-Star Western so far? Let us know in the comments below.

Images: DC Comics

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  1. Mariano says:

    Really sad it’s being cancelled. Its been one hell of ride, Jimmy, Justin and Jonah.Thanks for everything.