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Exclusive Clip From Tonight’s RED VS. BLUE: SEASON 12 Premiere

Rooster Teeth’s lovable Spartan-armored badasses are back to their normal ludicrous shenanigans this evening in the premiere of Red vs. Blue: Season 12. To get your Monday started off with a true bang (or several hundred), we have an exclusive clip from tonight’s highly anticipated return of the show. Find out why it’s such a terrible idea to wait on the opposite side of any door that Caboose is in front of:

Red vs. Blue is the longest running web-based comedy in history, and the new season continues the series’ long run at 8e/7c/5p, tonight. There will be laughter, new enemies, new friends, intense action, more laughter, and plenty of our old pals Tucker, Grif, Simmons, and Caboose.

You can find more Red vs. Blue excellence over on Rooster Teeth’s official website as well as on their YouTube channel. And if you’re excited about the new season of Red vs. Blue, feel free to tell us all about your love in the comments below!

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  1. AgentAlaska says:

    WHENS THE PREMIERE!?!?!?!?!!?!?
    I WANNA SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Riley says:

    I should rewatch the whole series soon. I’m so looking forward to season 12.

  3. Bandanab310 says:

    Password12! Ha! ugh I can’t wait for tonight

  4. Alan B. says:

    I’ve been following RvB since season 2 in 2004, and it it worth the title of longest (and best) running web series. The best part about RT though is that you can branch out from RvB and enjoy all of their content, from RT Shorts, to the Podcast, and even to Achievement Hunter and their video game shenanigans.

  5. gin says:

    Oh caboose, you and your shenanigans are dearly missed while on break 😀

  6. John says:

    Been following RVB since the beginning, and there is never a dull moment in the show that doesn’t either have me laughing or engaged in pure joy. Long live RVB!!!!!