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Exclusive: B.P.R.D. HELL ON EARTH #134 Preview

The B.P.R.D. is under assault from all manner of hellacious monsters and eldritch beasts, and the only one who can save them is trapped on another plane of existence. Isn’t that always the case? Well, it’s definitely what’s going down in the pages of Dark Horse Comics’ B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth #134. Written by Mike Mignola and John Arcudi, illustrated by colored by Dave Stewart, issue #134 finds the B.P.R.D. in dire straits, to say the least.

Last issue, we saw Johann plumbing the depths of Project Sledgehammer, particularly the secrets behind its armor. Now, though, Johann is trapped in some sort of catatonic state, lost within the memories of Sledgehammer, like Harry Potter in the Pensieve—but way more dangerous. As you’ll see in our exclusive preview—which you can peruse in the gallery below—Mignola and Arcudi take us between the brutal firefight of present day and the World War II-era memories imbued in the Sledgehammer armor. It’s a frantic race against time for Johann to take control of himself and the suit before he is completely subsumed by it.

BPRD Hell on Earth 134 - Cover

Here’s the official synopsis:

“Johann is lost in the memories of the Project Sledgehammer . . . Can he regain himself and control of the suit in time to save the BPRD?

B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth #143 is available on August 19.

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of 100 Things Avengers Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die. You can follow him on Twitter (@Osteoferocious).


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