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Exclusive: BATGIRL #29 Preview

Vampires in Gotham, you guys. Honestly, I shouldn’t need to tell you much more than that to get you onboard, but I will tell you that you’re definitely going to want to read this week’s Batgirl #29. Hot on the trail of the villain Silver, a mysterious figure with ties to I, Vampire‘s Andrew Bennett, Batgirl and the Talon known as Strix must elude Gotham’s finest in order to save the day and protect Batman’s juicy neckflesh. But don’t take my word for it — take a gander at this sweet exclusive preview of DC Comics’ Batgirl #29 by Gail Simone, Jonathan Glapion, and Fernando Pasarin.


Click to expand the thumbnails below.

Are you digging Batgirl so far? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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