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Orphanages, especially in pop culture, already tend to lend themselves to tragedy, but when you add in a virulent strain of vampirism and an insatiable bloodlust, well, you have a recipe for tears consommé. After recently rescued kiddie vampire May hulked out at the end of last issue, Peal and her undead wards found themselves in a bit of a predicament: namely, Trapp was about to get tore up from the floor up. In Vertigo’s American Vampire: Second Cycle #3, things go from bad to worse for Pearl and the gang as they discover that May won’t be as easy to stop in her new, monstrous form. To make matters worse, The Gray Trader continues his inexorable march and is leaving a trail of bodies in his wake. Who will live? Who will die? Is there a third question? Find out in our exclusive preview of Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque’s American Vampire: Second Cycle #3 before it hits store shelves on Wednesday, May 21st!


Here’s the official description:

Pearl digs deeper into the mystery of the Gray Trader and uncovers horrifying truths that will rock the world of AMERICAN VAMPIRE. Meanwhile, Skinner must confront his demons, both figurative and literal. The second cycle of AMERICAN VAMPIRE continues here with even more threatening vamps than ever before!

Click to expand the thumbnails below.

What do you think? Will you be picking up this week’s issue? Let us know in the comments below.

Images: Vertigo Comics

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