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Everyone You Love Will Be on PARKS AND REC’s Final Season: Jon Hamm, Rob Lowe, and Rashida Jones

We’re nearing what — I’m going to go ahead and call, at least as far as this year is concerned — a more exciting premiere time than the traditionally jam-packed and hotly anticipated fall: the winter/mid-season shuffle. Because there is a heck of a lot of good returning to our small screens this January and chief among them is the final, 13-episode season of NBC’s comedy cupcake, Parks and Recreation. And because the series is ending, everyone and their mother (and their grandmother and their friends) are returning to the show for at least one more goodbye.

And, like, it’s really quite a lot of super-good people. First, there was the mention that Megan Mullally and Natalie Morales would be making their returns. Then? Rob Lowe and Rashida Jones — a/k/a Chris “lit-rally” Traeger and Ann “Beautiful, Racially Ambiguous Flower” Perkins were confirmed to appear in one episode of the series, hopefully bringing their baby along for the ride (the couple left Pawnee in the middle of season six last year).

But it’s not only fan favorites that are making the trip back — recent, far more jokier additions will also be coming in and out. Like the seen-but-for-a-moment Jon Hamm’s bumbling Ed who was, spoiler alert, fired after the three year time jump that introduced us to the gang’s new reality at the bustling and successful, Pawnee-moved National Parks office being run Leslie Knope in the finale. Though we’re unsure in what capacity it will be, it’s sure to be hilarious if we take what show creator Mike Schur said to Entertainment Weekly. “If I have my way, every episode where you see events that take place before that moment will include a shot of him doing something insanely incompetent.”

So — how excited are you for the series-ending finale season of Parks and Rec? Let’s eat some waffles and cry about it in the comments.

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  1. Antix80 says:

    Waffles?!? I know what I’m about son, give me all the eggs and bacon you have…

  2. eli says:

    Did they ever answer who they were talking to?  They used to look at the camera and do talking head segments like they were in a documentary.  Just like on The Office…and Modern Family.  Who was filming???