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Enjoy Disney’s FROZEN in Emoji

Are you at the point of winter where you’re cursing a fictional Disney princess for her role in the snow and ice? Well I hate to say it but the adorable Oh My Disney blog has come up with such a cute portrayal of Elsa and her family that I think you’re going to forgive all the snow she’s dumped on us this season. Here’s Frozen as you’ve never seen it before – all emojis, all the time.

Have you ever seen anything as adorable as this? A lot of places are starting to tell stories in that internet language of emoji, but I’m particularly delighted by the text message format of this video and all the little plot points that are hit upon so simply and effectively. From the floating snowflakes to Anna’s hair changing color at the perfect moment, it’s kind of perfect. I did miss the shopkeeper and his sauna-dwelling family though.

Who do you think makes the cutest emoji? And when will these be added to the emoji menu on my phone? Given the issues that emoji creators have recently had with diversity and whatnot, don’t you think adding some moose and magical snowmen to the mix would be helpful in terms of making everyone just a little happier every time they open the right keyboard?

I’m eager for more Disney adaptations in emoji. I want to see Aladdin and Jasmine, Pocahontas and John Smith, and Tangled as told by text message. Here’s hoping we will get more in this (hopefully) series of shorts. What story do you want to see translated to emoji next? Tell us in the comments below.

ht Oh My Disney

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