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Emilia Clarke Watched THAT Revealing GAME OF THRONES’ Scene With Her Parents

It does not get much more badass than burning down a prison of patriarchal oppression, killing the entire collection of male leaders looking to deprive you of your kingdom and your freedom, and emerging from the rising flames nude, in all your glory, for a hundred thousand Dothraki, and tens of millions of viewers across the globe, to see you standing tall.

Unless you are watching it with your parents.

Which is apparently just what Emilia Clarke did, when she watched her awesome, triumphant moment as Daenerys Targaryen over the Khals at the Dosh Khaleen a couple of weeks ago on Game of Thrones alongside her parents. On The Graham Norton Show she said that after her folks noted they hadn’t seen much of her through the first few weeks of the season (no kidding), she told them the fourth episode would be big for her. As Norton noted, in that episode there was “a lot” of her to see. Oops.

What makes this really funny is that following the episode and speculation over whether or not it was really Clarke in that scene, she made a point of letting people know that she hadn’t used a body double, and was proud of her body and performance, like in this interview with Access Hollywood:

There are always stories every season that Clarke won’t do anymore nude scenes on the show, and then she ends up doing them anyway, so we weren’t surprised she wanted to truly own this one.

Maybe just don’t watch the next one with your parents.

What would be the worst scene any Game of Thrones actor could have watched with their parents? We want to see your answer in the comments below.

Images: The Graham Norton Show; HBO

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