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Is Elon Musk Secretly at War with THE ONION?

We all know that Elon Musk is secretly plotting to rule the universe by controlling intergalactic travel—old news—but does he also have plans to take over the world of satirical journalism? It appears so, as Musk’s next endeavor might have nothing to do with rockets, Mars, hyperloops, or autonomous robots, and everything to do with taking down The Onion. If so, that raises one very important question: is he hiring?

On this week’s installment of Muskwatch, Dan Casey and Kyle Hill look into reports that Musk tried to purchase the popular satirical news site The Onion in 2014, only to be turned down, something the humor site has been roasting him for. But rather than be deflated by that rejection, Musk might just be launching Thud!, his own (secretive, as of now) new comedy site… and, perhaps, the foundation for a budding media empire. If that’s true, you might want to get your résumé ready just in case. How often does a genius billionaire start throwing around that sweet satirical news money?

Dan and Kyle also talked about some more grounded topics—literally—like Musk’s recent comments about his plans for the Boring Company and who (or what) will get first crack at traveling in his underground tunnels. They also discussed SpaceX’s new contract to launch satellites for the Air Force, and how the dream of suing a billionaire can easily turn into a nightmare.

Muskwatch airs on and YouTube every Tuesday, but you can watch all new episodes two full days earlier on Sunday if you’re an Alpha subscriber. If you’re not already, find out how you can get 30 days free right here.

What do you think of this week’s biggest Musk stories? What would you like to see us explore on the next Muskwatch? Let us know in the comments below!

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