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Elemental Child’s Play


Here’s one of the most adorable videos you’ll see today, or any day:

She’s 26 MONTHS OLD and she recognizes the elements! She’s a Nerdist-in-training! I bet she’s even wearing the My Little Pony shirt in an ironic manner!

Well, okay, probably not that last part. But you gotta admit, this is impressive.

HT: @matthewjgallant

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  1. ScienceDad says:

    Rose is very cute. The amazing thing is that most kids will light up like this if someone cares to work with them. I showed this to my 16-year old, who when he was 10 months old was singing “Your Mother Should Know” on a restaurant table and shocking the other diners – he just smiled. My daughter was about Rose’s age when we heard a piece on NPR about some guy who thought the extinction at the end of the Triassic Period might be due to a meteor impact – her response was, “hey, dat was my theory!”

  2. Hurricane Ditka says:

    Everyone knows a child’s development depends on how popular or socially awkward they are during their teen years!

    Can this girl sub for Freshman Chemistry? lol

  3. Cindy Shamel says:

    Gotta love the My Little Pony t-shirt. She is two, afterall.

  4. Luanne says:

    This is amazing… a two year old sitting still for 10 minutes?!? Oh, the elements thing was pretty cool too. 🙂 Cutey!

  5. Lisa G says:

    AHAHAHA! The picture for tin was one tin soldier! The makers of those cards are almost as awesome as this little girl.

  6. Patti says:

    That was so cute! “Sulphur. Sulphur stinky.” haha! Smart kid.

  7. Holly says:

    So cute! This made my day 🙂

  8. Barclay says:

    The cards (and other coordinating items, such as place mats) can be found here:

  9. “N?”
    “nar, nar, narg, bubbles!”
    “nuh, nar, nar, bubbles!!”
    She’s got the rule of 3 down. Also, love how much she loves Xenon. Obs her fave.

  10. smartbunny says:

    The new sincerity is wearing a My Little Pony shirt UN-ironically, which she is clearly doing. She is so ahead of you all.

  11. Anita says:


  12. That is so cute. She is adorable. Anyone know where to get those cards. I need to start on my 4 yr old he is apparently behind.

  13. Chris Hardwick says:

    NERD GIRLS UNITE!!! This is your new QUEEN!!!

    That is too dang cute.