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Ed Sheeran Singing the FRESH PRINCE Theme Song Is Great

Sometimes silly things are great because they completely catch us off guard and surprise us, but occasionally they are great because they completely match our expectations. Like for example, what do you imagine it would sound like if Ed Sheeran sang the theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? Well you’re right, you’re totally right, it sounds exactly like that. We know because we have proof, and it is awesome.

The musician was a radio guest on Capital FM in the UK when a listener called in and said her two “loves” are him and the Fresh Prince, so she was hoping he would combine them for her by singing the theme song.


It is certainly possible this seemingly spontaneous moment was slightly planned, but we’ll give the whole thing the benefit of the doubt because the host told him he didn’t have to do it if he didn’t want to. Sheeran was game though and grabbed a nearby acoustic guitar (which we imagine he travels/sleeps with at all times) and started singing the most Ed Sheeran sounding version possible.

Seriously, if an impressionist had said, “What would it be like if Ed Sheeran sang the Fresh Prince theme song? I think it might go…a little something….like this,” it would be too on the nose. But since it was really him it was a lot of fun.

Though, now we’d like to hear him take on the full, original version of the song. The one that people never seem to remember.

Although, we probably have a pretty good idea of what that would sound like too.

What other TV show theme songs should Ed Sheeran sing? Spend most of your days in our comments section below letting us know what you think.

Images: Capital FM

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