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GAME OF THRONES Probably Won’t Kill Ed Sheeran This Season

GAME OF THRONES Probably Won’t Kill Ed Sheeran This Season

Editor’s Note: this is a Game of Thrones-related post! Previous season spoilers are everywhere, lurking in the shadows. Don’t say we didn’t warn you, OK?

♫ The Wall isn’t the best place to find a lover, so The Twins is where he’ll go! ♫

[Pause for groans]

It looks like pop megastar Ed Sheeran is going to appear on this season of Game of Thrones at some point during season seven. The news isn’t new, but the details are, as the British crooner has confirmed the capacity in which he will appear in the wacky world of Westeros.

In an interview with The Hits Radio, Sheeran is set to sing a wee tune to his number one IRL fan Maisie Williams, a.k.a. Arya “Serial Murderperson” Stark. “I just do a scene with Maisie,” Sheeran explained in the interview. “I sing a song and then she goes, ‘Oh, that’s a nice song.'”


It’s a change of pace compared to the musicians who’ve come before him on the show (most of them sing fairly sad and/or deadly songs. See: every Wedding episode, ever). This go-around, however, Sheeran will provide a brief interlude where Arya Stark won’t be murdering someone (probably) for once. Or, in the very least, we know she won’t be murdering Sheeran, who was brought on the series by showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss as a surprise for Williams, as some sort of comeuppance for all those earworms. “I don’t die in it, I don’t die,” Sheeran added.

Are you happy or bummed about this news? Let us know in the comments below! After all, Thrones doesn’t return until July 16th, so we have a TON of time to bide.

Images: HBO | GIF: Giphy

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of Nerdist, Maester-in-residence for all things GoT, creator/host of Fangirling!, and frequent Twitter user.

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