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E3 2015 Preview and Predictions with Jessica Chobot & Malik Forte

The Electronics Entertainment Expo, a.k.a. E3, is right around the corner, friends, and you know what that means: THE HYPE IS REAL! Will it live up to our expectations or will our hopes be dashed upon the rocky shores of reality once more?

Join Jessica Chobot and special guest Malik Forte as they count down the games they’re most excited for this year — from Fallout 4 to Uncharted 4, The Last Guardian to Half-Life 3, Final Fantasy XV to Kingdom Hearts III. Oh man…we really hope some of these exist. PLUS, we have a special appearance on today’s show by our friends at CinemaSins. Unlock the achievement of living your best life by watching right meow.

Thanks for watching today’s show! Find out how close we are to seeing Mad Max: Fury Road come true on a new Because Science. Lastly, be sure to let us know in the comments below what you’re most excited for at this year’s E3!

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Was Jena Malone's Role in BATMAN V SUPERMAN Just Revealed?

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Comic Book Day: Pull List for August 14th, 2013

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