First, there were wooden planks with roller skate wheels. Next, pressed wood decks with polyurethane wheels fixed with custom trucks. Now, the next stage in skateboarding technology is upon us – the dogboard.
Dogboarding from DANIELS on Vimeo.
Clearly, this is fake. If I hear about any of you snapping your dog in half trying to boardslide down a rail, you’re an idiot.
Made by DANIELS. Found on GIZMODO.
The overlord demands you FOLLOW MATTHEW on TWITTER or else you’ll be filled with sadness forever.
The problem with this: Some idiotic nitwit will actually try it with a real dog. This is nonsense.
that was sweeeet hahahaha
I know this isn’t real…. But wow did it mess with my brain.
Has PETA released a formal statement yet?
WTF is this?!?! This kind of stunt shouldn’t be endorsed. You know how stupid people can be. SMH. SMH.